Spend Thanksgiving Somewhere That Makes You Feel Truly Grateful


We’ve rounded the corner on summer and before long it will be time to start negotiating holiday travel plans. Lots of people love the American tradition, and more power to them, but read on if you have ever been making awkward chit-chat at a crowded dinner table and wondered to yourself, ”is there anything else?”

Consider these points:

  • For most of the U.S., the last Thursday in November is notoriously gray and cold. The leaves are gone, but the snow hasn’t come.  

  • It’s often a long, painful journey at the end of which you eat a stupid amount of rather odd food.

  • You have do the whole thing over again in a month.  

So why not sneak away – with the family or with a friend – and be somewhere that truly makes you feel grateful?

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The best part about the US Virgin Islands is that you are still in the U.S. so there will be plenty of turkey-themed options on the day. Post-meal, instead of doing dishes with the aunts, or watching football with the men, you can spend the afternoon swimming with the dolphins.

Come Friday, while everyone back home is fighting the crowds at a mall, you can get your holiday shopping done at AH Riise … all duty free. Happy Thanksgiving!

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